Monday, February 21, 2011
Hello? Hello? Is anyone out there?
February has been very busy for us. The boys have been working hard, and schoolwork is "do it when/if/how you can". Can't you see how excited Stennes is about catching up on his Latin?
One of our favorite families came over for a day's visit. It was a bit rainy, but we all had a good time anyway.

Josiah and Anders have a new responsibility: a puppy they are training for hunting. They have nothing else to do with their time, you know...
Anders celebrated his 12th birthday with a few friends.
Root beer floats instead of a birthday cake. Here's to you, Anders!
The girls worked on a lovely craft while the fellows followed more manly pursuits. Airsoft war, anyone?
What began as a birthday party ended as a slumber party, and Mean Ol' Mama treated to buckwheat pancakes the next morning.
We had Dr. Peter and his family over for a visit, and the men played a tight game of chess.
Anders' birthday was extended for a few days as gifts continue to come his way. How nice, eh?
We went preaching in two places in Blakely.
We enjoyed a fabulous field trip down to St. Marks on Monday in pursuit of a unique bird that had been spotted there in the park. The weather was wonderful, and we enjoyed a full day of cool breeze, sunshine, good food, birding, and being outdoors together.

Did I mention that it was a gloriously wonderful day?
Stennes brought back a piece of Sea Pickle for MO'M to try. Salty, but tasty!
A picture of a hardware story? Yep, we stopped by on the way home to surprise a friend of the boys' who works there. Fun!
ChubChub has been working steadily on his Spanish schoolwork. He's making pretty good progress. See Stennes in the background? Can you tell how excited he is to catch up on his Greek?
The Girl received a lovely rose from her first love: Poppins. Happy Valentine's Day, sweet girl!
Teresa shared a really interesting video with the boys. She and Levi came down to do our weekly Latin/Greek/essay/shared reading/tons of other stuff Friday class that we do on Mondays, but we moved to Thursdays. What? Us, confused?
Don't they look like they're enjoying their Latin test?
We enjoyed attending our monthly homeschool meeting. The kids had a good time racing to correctly label food groups for their 4H class.
We also enjoyed a presentation by a local geologist. He brought along an interesting project for the kids to make.
Stennes helped one of the little guys with his project.
All five of the big boys cut up and planted 3800 pounds of potatoes for the U-Pick farm. They were sure hungry on the evening of the planting!
Stennes has been trapping 'possums that are living under Aunt Linda's house. Aren't they ugly? And smelly, too!