Why are you cutting that board, Stennes? Mean Ol' Mama wants you to make something, huh?

Now why are you under the kitchen sink? Too many small appliances and not enough room?

Wow! You made MO'M a shelf! You sure are a handy fellow...

Poppins took the family bowling, but first he had to demonstrate proper technique.

Stennes is up first...

Then Branch...

Josiah followed in good form...

Anders was next...

And then there was The Girl. She's so slim that the lightest bowling ball was 1/10th of her weight. She decided just to give it a little push on the floor, which was a surprisingly effective technique for scoring (but, oh so slow...)...

ChubChub tried his best, but his technique was a bit slow, too. More quality family time...

Will the ball
ever reach the pins???

Thankfully, Poppins had a
sweeeeeeeeeeet style. He had quite a few strikes and spares.

Their final scores were not too bad considering that (1) some participants hadn't played for years, and (2) the other participants had never played. Can you see on the scoreboard that Stennes scored
THREE STRIKES IN A ROW on the final set? Wow!

Stennes, Josiah, and Anders recorded 90-second radio slots promoting 4H for our local radio station. They sounded great! Branch is having to present his 4H Theme Speech (Pigeons)
10 DIFFERENT TIMES this week to hundreds of fifth graders. He's the "example" to encourage other students to participate in speech competition.

On the books for this week: Mean Ol' Mama begins teaching tonight with two classes, 60 students; Stennes, Josiah, and Anders have
major work towards competition at the end of this month; we have two performances today; band in Tallahassee; regular schoolwork and music lessons; whatever else is hiding in the bushes...