Josiah even managed to spot a bird that is rare for our area.
Monday, April 12, 2010
Monday Muses
Looking back on another busy week, we have a lot to celebrate. Branch caught a nice fish and was very active in other productive pursuits, as well (photos to come later).
Our Very Important Cousin spent a few days with us and surprised us early Friday morning with fresh fruit for breakfast.
She also brought lovely muffins to augment our homemade bread. Yummy!
Another gift for Mean Ol' Mama was a package of 2-year asparagus crowns to finish out her asparagus bed. Last year's plantings are doing great! We haven't harvested any asparagus yet, though, because the little kids keep snapping them off to eat raw. Hmmmm....
She even brought us this beautiful, fresh pineapple! What wonderful gifts, eh?
The four older boys have been working diligently on their bird journals, which need to be mailed out tomorrow. Competition will be a week from Friday; they also have been preparing for Poultry Judging competition, which will be held this Wednesday. Busy, busy...
Very Important Cousin helped The Girl mix up clay for a bit of pottery work. Messy, but fun...
Even the big fellas wanted to get in on the fun. They had a good time.
Poppins took us all down Spring Creek on Saturday. With five canoes and 10 people, there was a lot to do, but we had such a nice morning. The weather was perfect and the boys were happy to be out in the wild.
Josiah even managed to spot a bird that is rare for our area.

"Hey, Branch, where's The Girl? Isn't she supposed to be in your canoe?"
"Oh, she's taking a little break, huh?"
This cedar had a huge nest of wasps hanging from the largest branch. We steered clear...
Branch and The Girl raced Poppins for the bridge. They won.
Two canoes were waiting at the end when we arrived, and Josiah and our Very Important Cousin were moseying along behind us. Anders gave his fishing pole a little chance...
Josiah even managed to spot a bird that is rare for our area.