Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Busy Busy Days
A visiting lad joined the boys in a friendly Sword Drill to see who could locate and read specified verses first.
Stennes made an excellent ice cream for us to enjoy.
The Girl has really picked up the knitting process. She's a cutie pie.
ChubChub has learned how to wash dishes. That's pretty handy for Mean Ol' Mama.
Mean Ol' Mama received a sweet gift from a friend in Saudi Arabia. Handy sewing kits are always nice to have.
Just guess what the 3 big boys purchased. Hmmm...they're "all boy"...
Mean Ol' Mama received an unexpected gift of whole wheat cinnamon bread. What a blessing to have sweet friends!
And another gift of roasted peanuts, pecans, and fresh sausage (in the freezer) from other friends! Wow!
Knitting instruction...
ChubChub drew Mean Ol' Mama a turkey to comfort her when the Big Boys went turkey hunting.
The family reunion last Saturday was fun. There sure was a lot of good food (and plenty of people to eat it...)

Even a delicious Heath Bar Meringue Torte. Excellent!
Lots of folks and memories...

We walked around (too much torte!) and looked at all the animals and neat things next door.
Even The Girl found a female friend for fun play under the trees. They're making Mud Cake and Mud Turkey Breast (in case you're hungry...).
The Girl worked on her Spring Fling project. She enjoys crafty activities like these.
After the family reunion, we went to a party to celebrate the baptism of our friend's son. Delicious and interesting...
Mole con arroz...
And here's the little guest of honor...
ChubChub proved his manhood...
Poppins took all the kids camping Saturday night. It was a bit cool, but they all had a nice time.
After a very busy week, we were glad to wrap it up with the Spring Fling. We had a nice time, but we're relieved that all the busy-ness seems to be winding down a bit.

Whew! What a week! Now we have to figure out how to get rid of "Spring Fever" and buckle back down to school work, house work, gardening, College stuff, etc. Mean Ol' Mama has the baking/cooking itch that needs to be scratched, and the weather outside is calling us out to play. Oh, bother. Sometimes it's a bit of a struggle to do our duty, isn't it?