For "Dinner -at- Our -House -Tonight", we're having Slow Cooked Roast, red potatoes with garden herb and mixed chili pepper sprinkles, green beans, kale, fresh rolls, ice cream, and strawberry cookies. Mmmm...
Isn't the fresh kale beautiful? Stennes did well with his crop this month, and we're looking forward to eating the young and tender kale every chance we have. What doesn't get eaten before potato planting time will be blanched and frozen for soups and side dishes.
Anders has two "What's New" to share with you: He's making a knife from an old saw blade (the "baby" knife is pictured below), and he put a new handle on a tool that Branch gave him for his birthday, coming up on the 13th. Anders enjoys puttering around in Pop's Shop and he's learning life-long skills. Can't beat that...