Caleb and Levi demonstrated how to lift up a stiff-limbed person. We have had cold weather down here, so Teresa was bundled up on the couch for the demonstration.
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
We have been very, very busy this past week. Mean Ol' Mama has major amounts of paperwork and computer stuff to do for the 2 classes she teaches at the College, so she's trying to do it all: College work, homeschooling, and home life. Hmmm...
Caleb and Levi demonstrated how to lift up a stiff-limbed person. We have had cold weather down here, so Teresa was bundled up on the couch for the demonstration.

Anders read a book, Oceanos y Mares, to ChubChub. What's on his lap? Oh, that's Scout, the latest member of our family.
We had a spur-of-the-moment cookout around the bonfire. It was fun to keep warm by the flames and just enjoy friends and family.
Stennes and Poppins tinkered with one of the go-carts and got it running. The kids really enjoy riding it around and scaring the chickens and dogs.
We're starting back in our memory box, working especially on songs in English/Spanish/Creole for the camps this coming summer. The kids work hard at memorizing many different things.
The Girl and Branch fnished Book #3 in Greek. They enjoyed ripping off the pages for the recycling bin.
Isn't this a sweet picture? Bible time with Daddy is as sweet as it gets...
And a final picture for What's Cooking? What's New? Wednesday : Anders single-handedly cooked a huge, gorgeous meatloaf, Old Bay roasted potatoes, roasted sweet potatoes, mixed vegetables, green beans, and strawberry Jello. This was a large meal for 14 people. Mean Ol' Mama was quite impressed and gratified, knowing that faithfulness in training eventually pays off. Where was she while he was cooking alone? Oh, on the couch desperately trying to finish College paperwork for tomorrow's first class.
Caleb and Levi demonstrated how to lift up a stiff-limbed person. We have had cold weather down here, so Teresa was bundled up on the couch for the demonstration.