Friday, November 13, 2009

Happiness a' Happening

ChubChub loves his school books. He colors, traces, works with a few numbers, and generally keeps a happy-go-lucky outlook on life, love, and learnin'.Italic
Stennes was kind enough to humor Mean Ol' Mama and cover a wall with chalkboard paint. Best thing we've done yet in ye olde hoose. The kids could hardly wait for the paint to dry. The Girl doesn't normally dress so "fancy" for chalk sketchings; we were about to leave for a large performance, which was #3 performance on Tuesday alone. Lotsa folks and lotsa good comments.
Even ChubChub had to share his interpretation of Mean Ol' Mama. Say, she does look mean, doesn't she? [If only her legs were as thin, too...sigh...]
Poppins perked the kids right up the other morning with exercises to get the ol' blood flowing. See the reflectors on his shirt? He really "shines" in our eyes...

Interesting photo title: Raggedy Boy Parses Koine Greek
New title: Raggedy Boy Sharpens Pencil with Ye Olde Fashioned Pocketknife
Yet another title: Happy Raggedy Boy Indicates He is Finished with This Number of Pages
What? Another title? Raggedy Boy Tries to Avoid his Math Lesson by Reading a Book
Stennes has been busy this past week making a bird house and a bird feeder for a local school. These were left unfinished so the classes could sand and paint them (hands-on time, ya know) and auction them off to the parents of the classes in a fundraiser. He's quite a talented young man. Now, if he could only finish his chapter on the First Aorist tense in Greek...[...sigh...]
The Girl was inspired to add a special verse to our family wall. Yep, good idea...
Stennes fixed a broken leg on Josiah's Pig Nose bass amp. He removed one of the legs and turned a matching leg on the wood lathe. Handy.
Josiah, Anders, and Poppins have been working on the chicken pen. Gotta be ready for those 50 roosters by Friday. Time's tickin'...
Branch wanted to show all our faithful blog-followers what life is really like here in our home. Sweep, sweep, sweep. Such is life with boys/gardens/boys/animals/boys/shop projects, and did we mention...boys?
Just look at these sweeties blessing Mean Ol' Mama by scrubbing the floor by hand. Gotta love it, and gotta love them!