Poppins took the boys on a snipe hunt last week. If you're not familiar with snipe hunting, it's basically a "boy-to-manhood" initiation in the South. The Girl was allowed to go, but she came home soon due to the cold weather. We can't really discuss snipe hunting because it's
Finally!! Our piano received a long overdue tuning by our friend Ron. He's blind, which makes it even more fascinating to watch him do his job.
"Un minuto mas...casi, casi..." [Almost done...]. ChubChub's haircuts are always a challenge for us all. We scrounged around and found a piece of candy for bribery. Hey, when you're desperate...

The boys are working on 3-month bird journals in preparation for another competition. It's always fun to watch them get excited about spotting a certain species or color. Their little sketches and information are quite beautiful in their simplicity.

ChubChub has been very sleepy these past few days; we think he's in a growth spurt. Mean Ol' Mama has allowed the children to sleep in this past week, and it has been lovely. Time for Mama alone in the morning...

Can you believe this next photo? Bainbridge was under a hard freeze warning, and Branch found this sheet of ice when he went out to break up the ice in the chicken waterer. Brrrrr.

Mean Ol' Mama's on a baking kick again, trying new recipes. This bread was a major hit, although it was a bit too soft to slice well. Gotta tinker with that recipe a bit.

LEGOs for hamsters?? This is Anders' invention to support the water bottle. Engineering at its finest. The little rascals are growing quickly and are cute, cute, cute.

You know you love your little brother when... Stennes adores ChubChub and gladly crawled around the yard to give "Buffalo Bill Junior" his daily ride.

More bread? Yep, Mean Ol' Mama tweaked the recipe on the VERY SAME DAY as the previous photo and baked 7 more loaves. Why? Because we ate the first 6. Within a few hours. Not. A. Crumb. Left. At least it's good for them. How will we feed these kids when they're teenagers? [...sigh...]