Mean Ol' Mama thinks very highly of a boy who knows how to care for her wok; the patina of time and repeated cooking needs to be treasured and not scrubbed away to a shiny finish. We use mostly cast iron skillets for cooking, but this wok is used more than any other thing in the kitchen.

Guess who scored 100% on her subtraction sheet? The Girl is really doing well in her schoolwork. She is diligent and disciplined.

Branch and Anders went next door Saturday morning to help their cousin sell turnips from his garden. They sold a few bunches and were pleased to sit for a while and watch the world go by.

Turnips are a cultural food of the South, and "greens" are quite popular, especially in the cooler months when they grow well. These organic turnips are mighty tasty, but they're a bit of work to clean well and cook well. There's "good" greens and "not-so-good" greens, and the difference between the two usually depends on the cook. Fatback or pork neckbones make them taste "oh-so-good" (with all apologies to classy French chefs, health nuts, and horrified picky eaters).

The Girl and ChubChub spent some time in their favorite climbing tree, the large Magnolia next door. The branches are just made for little explorers, and no one has fallen too far...yet...

Branch made a little nest "...just in case, Mami...".
Christ forms a little nest for me, a shelter in the wind. He furnishes it with faith, you see, and I cannot be bent...
Plain tuckered out. Josiah makes an easy bed; his dependability feels good to a little guy who just...can't...stay...awake...

After preaching Sunday afternoon, we went as a family to a pet store in Tallahassee where Anders purchased two dwarf hamsters. His cousin gave him the cage, so he purchased the pets and the furnishings. They're cute little things, and the children were fascinated.

What are you, little spry? Part wisp? Part sky?..."
And where do you suppose they were first thing in the morning? The novelty will soon wear off, but for now they're enjoying God's wonders.