Here's a photo of their purchase. So far they've used it quite a bit, even following a daily routine that gradually increases strength and good form.
Stennes finished 3 hand-carved signs that were ordered by customers. It's a good hobby for a boy. He learns a skill and earns a bit of pocket money.
We traveled to Alabama to perform for a group of 70. Mean Ol' Mama's aunt and uncle live about 1 1/2 hours away, so we stayed the night with them. The kids did an outstanding job. Mean Ol' Mama's guitar string broke on the 2nd song, and Teresa wasn't with us, but they were great. Speeches went well, the songs were loud and vibrant, and they received a standing ovation.
After the show, they were treated to pizza in the youth center. The pressure was off, so they were quite silly.
These three young ladies with ChubChub were actually hired by the church to baby-sit, but they were quite surprised to discover that he was the only child who needed watching. He's quite the lady's man, isn't he?