The Girl has been reading more independently these past few days. She's working hard to finish up her current Spanish books so that she can move into Bi-School (adding English). We go slowly with Latin and Greek at this point, just vocabulary development, but English will be pretty intensive for her within the next few months. She has a very good attitude in school, which makes it easier considering the work load that's headed her way.

The boys gave their last Christmas performance Tuesday morning at the Senior Center here in Bainbridge. After 6 performances, they're glad to be finished for the year. Now, to start planning next year...

Algebra class was pretty fun this week. Miss Beth had each child figure out where he would be on a graph if he were a particular coordinate. Meanwhile, the moms were in the house planning a surprise party for the teacher, which went over well. The kids were excited about all of the "party" foods. We're finished with Algebra until January. We will try to do a bit of review on our own just to keep the information fresh.

Here's a photo of the Algebra class (plus a few "Littles" who joined us for the snacks).

We also had a small party Thursday for the boys' guitar teacher. The "extra" boy in front of Stennes also takes guitar here at the house. And ChubChub? He thinks he's a student, too, since Mr. "Ow" (Joao is his name) always speaks to him.

The Girl detail cleaned Mean Ol' Mama's dishwasher. Isn't it nice to have children who are work so diligently? Are they always this sweet? Mostly yes, but we all have our "moments".

Mean Ol' Mama gave ChubChub a plastic nativity scene that she purchased for a whole 10 cents many years ago. He's absolutely fascinated with it, especially with Baby Jesus. He can't figure out, though, why Jesus is lying there because he thought that HE was in our hearts. Perhaps that's why we should all have the faith of a child.

The three older boys had their annual Christmas concert in Tallahassee with the Homeschool Band. They did a great job. The photo below shows Stennes way in the background finishing up his jazzy solo piece on trombone. Mean Ol' Mama was unaware that he had a solo coming up, so the photo isn't the greatest. He did a fabulous job, though.

This was the first concert for Anders. He's a year younger than Band requirements, but they let him in based on his brothers' good reputation. He enjoys playing trumpet but really needs to practice more (hint, hint...).

We had a friend take a family photo since we were all dressed up. They sure are growing quickly, aren't they?