Whew, after a long week of illness, we're finally on the road to recovery. Friday we went to see the boys' fabulous Brazilian guitar teacher at a solo performance in Thomasville. His skill left us speechless. (And he's soooo nice, too...Strict but nice).

Stennes brought a project home from the Shop to work on while he was still a little sick. He's carving a house sign for a friend.

Have you ever had a brass band in your living room? It's a little...well, loud. The boys are preparing for a performance at the College on Tuesday. We'll post more about that next week.

ChubChub is demonstrating his new "fishing" pole that Pop made him. A large washer tied to the end of the string attracts magnetic fish. Look, he caught one!

The boys are also learning new pieces/medley sets for when we go out on the weekends. They're quite fun to play along with, although we adults are getting further behind every day because these boys are getting

Saturday was a much-needed Family Fun Day at Shell Point Beach in Florida. Branch quickly discovered a live starfish. Isn't he incredible? (Branch, not the fish...)

The Girl wanted to feed the birds, but she first tried her hand with Daddy standing protectively nearby. Those gulls create quite a ruckus, you know.

She finally stepped bravely from under the shelter and was instantly surrounded by wings and wind.
"...And childrens' faces looking up, holding wonder like a cup..."
Poppins and the boys are the little figures in the distance. You can tell from the sky that it was a cool, windy day. Mean Ol' Mama and The Girl did their share of shivering.

Stennes caught a scaly gar, or rather...the scaly gar caught Stennes. This aggressive fish was not even hooked; he was angry, opened his mouth, got the hook caught between his sharp teeth, and was down for the count
. Por la boca, el pez muere. [By the mouth, the fish dies]. That should be a word to the wise: keep your mouth closed when angry or suffer the consequences of impulsiveness.

Branch hooked a stingray, which was a little uncomfortable for Mean Ol' Mama. She snapped the photo and quickly sought a peaceful spot further off.

Snacks were eaten amidst shivers, blankets, and pleas for more time on the beach.

Once the sun began shining, the afternoon warmed up quickly. Anders caught a splendid grouper and was rightly pleased.

The Girl, however, had seen enough of water, fish, and wind. She curled up with Mean Ol' Mama and sweetly sighed herself to sleep in the sunshine. We had a beautiful day and headed home to warm chili waiting on us and good memories to tuck us in. It's good to be "alive" again!!