How many mothers can brag that they have a giant fishing lure hanging in their kitchen window? Mean Ol' Mama's quirky sense of humor and decorating works very well with having boys; she provides the impetus, they provide the product.

Josiah worked hard at figuring out a tricky piece of fingering on his guitar. His algebra book is right under the music, so it was a photo worth taking: two struggles conquered by persistence.

Branch wanted to do a puzzle, so he and The Girl got one going. Branch's English reading is coming along, but Mean Ol' Mama is "puzzled" because his Spanish reading is still so much smoother. His English vocabulary is better than his Spanish, though. Go figure...

Teresa sent over a gift for the boys today, and they were excited to see a collection of Living Bible tapes and Sugar Creek Gang stories. We listen to stories during lunch hour while we eat. Mean Ol' Mama scrunches up at the corner of the table with a cookbook, and the kids chew quietly in order to hear each word of the narration. This works well for us.
"...seeing that she was lost in her muse, as imagination flowed from her fingertips..."
ChubChub was fascinated with one last flower from the yard. The boys' gardens are finished for the year, and as the weather turns colder, the plants are dying. We're already discussing garden dreams for next year.

Josiah is holding...grapefruit? Nope. Oranges? Nope. Squash of a sort? Nope. Lemons. Lemons. Lemons. Can you believe it?

And Poppins holds a satsuma that he picked off one of his trees. He holds Mean Ol' Mama's heart, too...