We went to the FRIENDS homeschool group monthly meeting and enjoyed being with the other families. The local 4H teacher gave the kids an interesting class on plant classification. Two of the moms led the children in folk songs, which was fun for all of us.

Branch dressed up a bit for his violin class, but Mean Ol' Mama opted to leave the glasses at home, much to his dismay.

The boys and some of their friends worked on the shooting trench, which is now better classified as a shooting pit. Poppins asked that they fill the hold back in, so Josiah worked on that today until he met up with a stinging hornet. Ouch!

Remember those glasses that Branch couldn't wear to his lesson? ChubChub the Cool found them. Does this kid have style or what?

And just look at what passed in front of our house this morning: a whole entourage of travelers, headed to a local fair. Mule Day will be this Saturday, and these fine folks are apparently going to be there. You just never know what you're going to see if you live in "
..a house by the side of the road..".