The boys worked diligently all day Friday on speech memorization and guitar practice. We headed to the Georgia National Fair at 6:00 a.m. Saturday morning and were very pleased to discover that Stennes'
Cobbler Bench Table won First Place. Teresa's boys won quite a lot, too. Josiah placed 8th in his fishing lure mini-booth. It was a nice morning for us.

Anders and Josiah ended up competing against each other in speech. We were very pleased when Anders won 4th place, which is great for his first time. He was also the only 5th grader who made the final cut. Josiah won 1st place and the Grand Prize for overall performance.

Stennes had stiff competition at his level, so we were pleased when he placed 3rd. The boys will be presenting their speeches one last time this coming Tuesday at their monthly performance at the nursing home.

We had an "extra son" with us, the boys' favorite pal. The Fair is huge with literally thousands of people, so it's always a little tricky keeping track of little ones. We had a really nice time even though it was quite warm outside.

Poppins treated us to rides on the Sky Lift, which was really fun. The Girl and Mean Ol' Mama brought up the rear and enjoyed watching those in front of us.

Towards the middle of the day, Anders gave his cap to The Girl to protect her from the sun. We all brought home fond memories of our day at the Fair, some ribbons to put away, and sunburn. It was a great day, but to be honest the kids had just as much fun (if not more) at the McDonald's playground on the way home. We're simple folks...