Sunday evening we went preaching in Blakely. We had a very good response and even an "Amen!!" corner going on the side. It's always encouraging to know that we were exactly where God wanted us to be, doing what all of us ought to be doing.

When we came home, ChubChub played a little hide-and-seek when bedtime was announced. Mean Ol' Mama snapped this photo of the little charmer doing his best to blend into the background.

We found him this morning sharing a snooze with The Girl. It was the most peaceful time of their day. Too bad they don't get along this well when they're awake...[sigh...].

Monday was also the beginning of Third World Week. The four older boys slept out in pretty cool weather (in the 40s), cooked breakfast, and then headed out to find food for the day. We're doing this for a number of reasons: (1) It encourages appreciation for what we daily take for granted, (2) It prepares the children for whatever lifestyle they may have when they are older, (3) It gives some understanding of how most of the world lives and why we choose to live and eat the way we do.

The Girl and ChubChub paid a visit to the site for a little while. The boys will be outside for a week. The mornings are theirs to spend profitably (with a few "must learns" given by Mean Ol' Mama), they will eat breakfast and lunch from their scanty stores and supplement as able, and then they will come inside for afternoon classes.

Three of the boys headed out after breakfast in hopes of catching some lunch. Living meal-to-meal really develops an appreciation for basic food supplies that most Americans don't even think about.

Success! Anders caught a fine large-mouth bass for all to share. There were also a few potatoes on the fire.

He cleaned the fish, cut off a branch to sharpen it, impaled the meat, and roasted it. According to him, it was..."
the best fish I've ever had."

Stennes prepared a supply of wood for the fire. We encouraged them to keep a small fire going with the awareness that most Third World countries don't have fuel to burn all day long. Little steps, though, one little change at a time.

After the big boys left for band, Branch and The Girl settled down on the sofa for some reading. ChubChub headed to bed, and Mean Ol' Mama read aloud the books in the photo below. Smells of Whole Wheat Pumpkin Chocolate Bread, WW Banana Bread, WW artisan loaves, WW Apple Cinnamon Cake, and WW Apple Walnut Bread filled the air as Mean Ol' Mama baked between books. These books are part of a huge tote to be read in 1st grade. Normally the kids are required to read their "totes" by themselves, but Branch and The Girl's English reading is not quite strong enough yet. We made "snuggle-up" memories, instead.

When we gathered for Bible time in the evening, ChubChub need a "fill'er-up" of Josiah. He missed his brother at bedtime last night, since he and The Girl aren't allowed to sleep outside. He begged Josiah for a Prince Stinkerbug story "...
'bout fishing, brother. A BIG BIG fish, peeze." Josiah is helping him reel in that BIG, BIG fish in the photo below. Gotta love it.