It's been a busy week, and another busy week begins tomorrow. In the photo below, Stennes is checking out the Seminole Pumpkins, thinking about his Science Fair project that is due on Tuesday.

The Girl finished her project yesterday, with Mean Ol' Mama's help. We're very pleased with the effort she put into doing a good job. She's really been a blessing this past week, helping out with a good attitude and doing her best.

Branch also finished his project yesterday. His handwriting is so nicely done, and the project he chose was a lot of fun to do.

Josiah's project had interesting results. Mean Ol' Mama missed her guess on the outcome, so it was an interesting surprise.

Anders' project included a taste test, which is always fun for folks. And no, there isn't any difference in taste or nutrition between white and brown eggs.

The following photos show the trailer park where we went preaching Sunday evening. We had an unexpectedly large crowd and were surrounded on all sides, so it was a little difficult fitting the whole audience in the picture. The people were very receptive, but we were literally dripping wet from the humidity and heat.