Stennes is showing our family's favorite sauce. We encourage the kids to eat as much hot sauce on their meals as possible for Third World preparation.

The Girl continued her science project by mashing full loaves of storebought wheat bread and her homemade wheat bread. You can see that the homemade (on the right) is certainly more worth its weight.

Poppins' plate is on the left ; a child's is on the right. Guess who had to come back inside and clean his plate to match Daddy's? Family rule and great Third World prep.

Just hanging around. Two monkeys swinging on the same vine.

ChubChub showing us how to do a pull-up. He's pretty strong for such a little guy.

The Girl received a tea cart made in Indonesia. Aunt Teresa picked it up at a yard sale to add to the (ever-growing) tea collection. It's quite as charming as its new owner.

Two of the men in my life. One I love very much. And the other? Don't tell him I said so, but I can't live without him.

We went preaching in a government housing project Sunday evening, but no photos were taken. Pray for us. We have a lot of plans but not much time.