Sorry it's been a few days since I last posted. We've been off-on-off with the electricity due to Florida's tropical storm. Water, water everywhere down here. We left the big ice chest open outside and it ran over at least four times. According to the rain gauge, we had a genuine deluge. Plenty of branches were knocked down, there were flooded streets in the town, and some friends are still without electricity. The photo below shows a stack of magazines that have kept my children encouraged the last few days. Thanks, friend (you know who!!) !!

Branch had his first public performance at Friday Night Worship. We gather for songs & prayer every Friday night with Pop & everyone else next door (and anyone who drops in...).

The Girl made a Whole Wheat Fudgy Pudding Cake for Josiah's 11th birthday on Friday. We lost our electricity that night.

Stennes got out his sterno stove to cook a little canned beef stew. We also heated water for Mean Ol' Mama's ever-present hot tea.

The kids pulled out a new game Saturday afternoon. It sure looks dark in the picture, doesn't it? Rain, rain, rain...Drip, drip, drip...Restless kids...

Josiah received some nice gifts. We don't usually give brand-new gifts; rather, we look for thrift store / yard sale goodies. And we strongly discourage "silly" purchases. Josiah will use his birthday cash for a new fishing pole. He hopes to use it a lot during Third World Week coming up in October.

Stennes is having some early-morning snuggle time with ChubChub. Just enough time for another episode of "Prince Stinkerbug". Chub will do anything to hear "...just one more 'tory...peeeze..."

Speaking of Prince Stinkerbug...Do you think his rifle is long enough?

Sunday afternoon was more rain, rain, rain. The big boys ran outside for a little exercise and to start moving the fallen limbs out of the yard. Josiah came across a nice nest of yellow jackets and ended up with at least 12 bites. Monday morning, they went out to kill the nest, and one lone yellow jacket gave his final "Good-bye" to Josiah. Ouch!

Here's a photo of the Boys' Shop that is being re-ordered. They all have their own tables and tools, including The Girl. It looks messy, but it's being overhauled to deliver better Shop Time.

Notice all of the neat things hanging over the work bench? You could probably find anything you needed in this Shop (except for money and more time in your day...).

Stennes has been working diligently on his Fair project. Five days of rain hasn't helped with the timing, though, but it's cleared up. Back to business, brother. The photo below shows the beginnings of his project. New legs, anyone?

We will try to be more dependable in posting. Between Mean Ol' Mama's new job at the College, Fair projects due in 2 weeks, Science Fair projects due next week, Speech competition in 2 weeks, Forestry Judging competition in 2 weeks, Mini-booths due in two weeks, homeschooling, Life Skills, classical guitar classes starting again next Thursday, Algebra starting on Wednesday, Band in Tallahassee on Mondays, etc....[breathe...breathe...] Anyway, we'll try to post more frequently.