This morning the kids went next door to help Pop sort the chickens (roosters vs. hens). The three youngest boys were small enough to fit in the pen and catch the chickens by hooking their feet with a hooked pole. The chickens were passed one by one to the next boy, their cousin.

Stennes can handle four at a time.

The Girl can only handle one, but she's happy to help.

ChubChub cried for more chickens to hold, but he was finally content with one. He's actually quite a good worker. He carried at least 10 to the other pen.

After swimming for an hour, we returned to work on Life Skills. Josiah was blessed to have the refrigerator all to himself. It sure did my heart good to see him work so willingly.

Stennes volunteered to wash dishes by hand instead of using the dishwasher. He had 3 big cast iron frying pans to tackle, so he really encouraged me by having a positive outlook.

Anders and The Girl were in charge of lunch. We had a "Little Plates" meal; basically, they found bits and pieces that needed to be eaten and put things out on pretty little platters. We are clearing out food before we leave on vacation this afternoon. We loaded the van after lunch, stuffed 2 pinatas for the family reunion, made a few phone calls, cleaned up the house, read a bit of our World War II book, and are currently waiting (not-so-patiently) on Poppins to come home. We are ready to go. I'm not sure how much posting we will do these next 2 weeks, but keep checking in. You never know what interesting opporunities we'll run across on our journey.