We began Tuesday morning at a run, just as we began Monday morning. [Sigh...] We've had a busy week already. We went to a seminar Tuesday morning (Developing Character in Your Children through Work). It was very enjoyable. The big kids practiced Service by watching the little ones, taking them to bathroom/water breaks, playing outside with them, and monitoring behavior. The photo shows just half of the group, so the big kids really had their hands full.

When we arrived home, Anders did some reading for his Poultry Scholar Project. He really enjoys chickens.

The Girl found a nice surprise in her bedroom: a Tea Party cabinet from her Pop. It was filled with her recent gifts. She was very excited to find this waiting on her!

In the evening, Branch had violin class, and Stennes practiced his newly-repaired trombone. He sure was glad to have his instrument again.

We finished up this long day with a cool splash at our cousin's pool. This week is preparation for our vacation in Minnesota, so things are a little slower in school. Mean Ol' Mama has a consultation for a project tomorrow morning, the boys are going to Shop with Pop to make gifts, The Girl is going to make jelly with her aunt next door, we have 22 people coming for dinner, and a crazy assortment of ...well, of life...