Our local homeschool group meets together for various activities on the last Tuesday of the month. We always enjoy seeing each other and doing the different fun classes. Here is The Girl and a friend (at our house after the meeting). They decided to paint together. Where were the boys? Keep reading down below....

Oh, here are the guys: all 9 of them! They are upstairs watching a video on the computer.

Here are some of the kids at the meeting, faithfully holding their just-made hand puppets. They are about to make the sound of the animal on Old MacDonald's farm...

And here is our guest speaker: Nancy Hart. It's an interesting research project if you're not familiar with what she did for the colony of Georgia. We had a jolly good time with our speaker, the puppets, action songs, and a hilarious "acting out" of the Good Samaritan. There were 59 attendees.