The boys are wearing the t-shirts for this year's bird competition. They are about to go sing at the local nursing home, which we do every month in addition to our other performances. The t-shirts were given to every participant, but the boys were especially blessed this year. They had a personal goal of identifying 100 species during the 24-hour competition; they passed their goal at 105 ! They each received a Sibley guide for Eastern Birds (Josiah is holding one) for raising the most money in the high school age group. The money will be donated to a bird refuge an hour away (one of the boys' favorite places to be - BirdSong in Thomasville). Why are the boys in the high school age group? The rules state that the OLDEST member of the group determines the group's classification. This is Caleb's last year with us, though, and we will certainly miss him in the group. Also, the boys each received a very, very nice pair of binoculars (in the picture) for the Most Improved Group. We were absolutely thrilled ! These boys work long, long hours (with Teresa as their mentor). They will start next month studying for the upcoming state competition in Wildlife Management and Forestry Judging. It's going to be a busy summer !