Branch represented the American Revolution. His musket was much taller than he.
Stennes was World War I. His gun was beautiful, but he wasn't happy with the tight WWI pants he had to wear...
Anders was Korean Navy. His gun was very nice, too. His middy belonged to his great uncle who wore it during his time in the Navy.
Josiah (below) was a Civil War Confederate General. Josiah wore his uniform just days before this performance and gave a 5 minute dramatic interpretation of Thomas "Stonewall" Jackson. We were very pleased when he won First in State. He made the sword he is carrying in the picture as well as a Civil War pistol for his table display.

Here are the boys and their two cousins in the "Spring Fling" performance. They were presenting a visual history of soldiers throughout American history with a tie-in to the armor of God. The other photos show the tables profiling each boy's soldier, history reports, historical weapon that he made in shop class, and his foods. It was quite a show. They did this same performance (without table displays) in 2 nursing homes, 1 senior center, and a private Christian academy (with table displays). There were close to 60 students (grades 6-12), and the boys really made a good impression. Hopefully their message of God's armor was taken to heart. They did a lot of work and it required a lot of practice and memory to pull this off. Funny thing, though, they have already told me what they want to do next year for "Spring Fling"....Oofda...Children and their boundless energy...