Sunday, March 30, 2014

This Past Week

Anders was able to bring home two more large turkeys for the freezer, making a total of three this season. Our neighbor smoked them, and they are now de-boned and waiting for just the right recipe. He's a good hunter.
The Girl and ChubChub had their first soccer game of the season. They won 1-0!! It's a good beginning, anyway...

Wednesday, March 26, 2014


The Girl made a few trays of chocolate chip cookies because we...well, just because we wanted some!
ChubChub is doing well in his Spanish reading.
And he FINALLY learned how to read in English!!
The Girl is very diligent in her schoolwork.
Busy days teaching; Josiah won a tennis match yesterday, and he's running in a track meet today; Anders comes and goes in his hunting; Branch is re-working the chicken pens with Pop; Stennes is always busy at work; and so life goes on...

Monday, March 24, 2014

Yummy for my Tummy!

Bread and two trays of cinnamon rolls on the way...

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Soccer Again

The Girl and ChubChub are on the same team this year with one of our favorite coaches. Looking forward to another season of busy nights and fun times!

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Is that Elvis taking a snooze on my couch???
 Or Count Dracula???

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

The Girl won First Place at Saturday's Cloverleaf Project Achievement. She discussed the different types of flour and how we "...can't dough without it...". She truly enjoys baking.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Short and Sweet

Anders and his friend went hunting Saturday evening and brought home this fine tom. A few hours of smoking the meat and.....yummy!