Wednesday, October 23, 2013

More Photos of our Crazy Lives

We can't have folks over for supper without making them "work for their dinner" !
Branch has been preparing for a bird class he has to present tomorrow night at Scouts.
And who is this fine-looking gentleman? He obviously has some eye issues...
...and a bit of a moustache problem. Yes folks, this is the same fellow who told us the other day, "I can't sit still because I'm too hybrid." hmmmmm............

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Today's Craziness

See Branch below? He's sadly watching The Girl and ChubChub (who had the novel idea to recreate one of their favorite bowling alley snacks: fried cheese sticks). Poor Branch. That Latin assignment sure isn't very fun now, is it?
Well, here's to the old adage, "If you can't beat them, join them." It appears that cooking is far more exciting than declining third family nouns. Imagine that...
And this deserted Greek book? This is what inspired The Girl to try her hand at making fried cheese sticks, of course!