Josiah interviewed a retired DNR biologist for his upcoming competition on Game Birds of Georgia. It was very interesting to hear the two of them discuss so many different topics.

The kids have been on a roll with playing games. Even Poppins joined in.

The older kids helped make crafts for the annual 4H Christmas Craft project. They all had a nice time. A few days later, they presented the crafts to local nursing home residents after singing carols, for which the boys played their instruments. Nice touch...

More games...more memories...

Josiah mounted his bobcat skull as part of his DPA project for competition. The hide he tanned turned out well, also.

Stennes and Levi cut up pumpkins to include in their project portfolio. They helped bake and scrape the pumpkin, and then desserts were made to share at the homeschool meeting. Josiah used the seeds to make suet for his project.

ChubChub and The Girl made cards to hand out to the nursing home residents.

Stennes also made paper as a demonstration project. He sprinkled seeds in as well, so the final bookmarks can either keep a page handy or be planted in the garden. Neat!

Isn't this a cute photo?

We were invited over for supper at our Very Special Cousin's house, and we really had a fun time. The fellow in brown is a nice young man who spent the day with the boys.

The truth be told, she had invited us over so the boys could eliminate a very destructive fox from her yard, but a 'possum was the unlucky animal that evening. He was destructive, too, so now only one critter is left for the boys to deal with.

We spent Sunday afternoon with friends in Florida, and it was one of the most enjoyable days in our memory.

The boys played for a long time, made their way inside for a snack, and discovered hunting magazines. What boyhood bliss!

And then back out to play...

The older 4 boys had an interesting field trip to a family-owned saw mill. They had a good time seeing his machinery.

Taking life a bit easier this week...