We're still alive and kicking! The boys have Wildlife Magement competition this Saturday. Branch has APA competition next Saturday. We have company coming in for Thanksgiving holidays. Christmas performances have to be written and memorized within the next 3 weeks. Band concerts (big stuff!!) will be here within the next 3 weeks. MO'M is wrapping up the semester within the next 4 weeks. Lots of paperwork to finish. We just finished tent meetings in Havana over the weekend. Trying to adjust schoolwork with life in general/Stennes' work schedule/performances/projects/practice/preaching/and millions of other quotidian happenings.
Josiah thought it was interesting that his hunting book was written by MO'M's two favorite foods. What??!! Yep, Mr. Rice and Mr. Dahl. Gotta love it...

And on top of everything, MO'M has decided to put in raised bed gardens beside the house. You'll be amazed by the final results. Busy, busy, busy. And these children just won't stop growing up! Gotta figure out how to keep them small and sweet...