ChubChub: The Flag
Friday, July 16, 2010
Grab a cup of hot tea and a soft pillow! Three weeks' worth of life and photos...
Wow, we've really been busy these past weeks. We had 4 Symbols of America patriotic performances. The kids all had to memorize speeches for their particular symbols and how these national symbols can also relate to our relationship with Christ. They did a fine job with the music and speeches.
ChubChub: The Flag
The Girl: Lady Liberty
Branch: Baseball
Anders: Yankee Doodle
Josiah: The Bald Eagle
Stennes: Daniel Boone
Levi: Uncle Sam

ChubChub slept peacefully through one performance after giving his little speech...
Josiah has been hatching out chicks and quail. They are teeny-tiny...
Poppins, Dr. Peter, and the boys purchased and moved a pigeon loft that Dr. Peter had built on another property. It's quite a grand addition to our little farm.
Branch was given 3 pairs of racing pigeons, which is a phenomenal gift. They traveled a few hours to pick them up and to spend some learning time with the previous owner. God has been really good to this little boy.

Anders brought home this owl for decoy purposes. The boys are always planning, planning, planning...
ChubChub has been very active lately. Yep.
And this beautiful rooster (Josiah's) has been visiting Mean Ol' Mama as she rests on her swing outside.
Josiah and Anders have been scouting crows for Pop down on the property. They justify the hours outside by taking their math lessons with them. Guns and Saxon math? Quite a mix...
The little folks have had to do more work lately, as the big boys have been working elsewhere. They have all been big helpers.
We enjoyed a family reunion, replete with delicious food and good conversation.
The boys and fathers enjoyed playing with all the cousins.
The Girl and Mean Ol' Mama enjoyed a unique Indian rice dish that they came across on-line. Yummy!
And now for the "busy" part of these three weeks. Due to company visits and upcoming vacation, we decided to overhaul parts of the house. This front porch was just awful, so we got busy and made it beautiful. But you have to keep reading to see the final results...

The transformation begins...

Poppins decided to paint a chalkboard scene all the way down the hall. We've had fun drawing on the walls!
Even Teresa was hoodwinked into painting a vintage "sign" [EAT at Pop's]. Mean Ol' Mama's sense of style is really, really different...
Tim put on a new door frame.
And Pop? What is he doing on the floor???
A star??? On the floor????
Isn't it beautiful?
In the midst of all this activity, Tim brought over a little visitor: this awfully cute 'possum.
We've also been busy on the weekends with the migrant workers who are just now leaving our area. We've had some very good meetings.
Stennes has finished up at the U-Pick farm and is now helping out with the cattle. Smelly, hot, dangerous work...
We had a mini-concert the other night for our visitors. The boys were a bit "played-out" because they had finished their final performance just that morning.
Very sweet visitors. We had a nice time together.

And now for the finished porch. The photos are a bit "cloudy" because the camera lens was so cold in comparison to the hot outdoors. But isn't it lovely? Even a bit romantic?
Lots of plants...

We will be packing up for vacation to Minnesota this coming week. College work for Mean Ol' Mama is wrapping up, the house has been repainted inside (no photos, sorry!), things have been spruced up, we have de-cluttered quite a bit, and we're ready to hit the road and visit with family and friends. Mean Ol' Mama even bought a few special snacks already! ssshhhh....don't tell....
ChubChub: The Flag
Saturday, July 10, 2010
Stay tuned...
We're working like mad down here, making some significant changes throughout the house. Stay tuned! Lots of photos coming soon...
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