Anders won 3rd place in the history competition. His speech was titled "A Song in Our Heart", and he alternately sang and spoke concerning the history of spirituals in the south. This was the first time for him in this particular competition, and we're very pleased.

Trying to catch up the history notebooks...

Josiah has become quite the farmer. He has grandiose plans and initiative to back them up.

He's working on a new piece and gave it a run-through for the first time with Mean Ol' Mama checking the notes.

Stennes played his hard piece from memory with just a few wobbles.

Poppins bought Stennes an early birthday present: lots of odd tools from the local pawnshop thrown into a nice storage tote.

Stennes was thrilled and quickly set about sorting the tools and making plans. Beware, broken machinery! Your fix is at hand!

Mean Ol' Mama and 2 of her favorite rascals...

It began to rain mid-week, and Mean Ol' Mama got the urge to make doughnuts. It's just so cozy when you're rained in, ya know?

The final product...

And the final product five minutes later. [...sigh...]. Mean Ol' Mama saved two for ChubChub, who was taking a nap.
Leche, Mami? [Milk, Mommy?]. He was quite pleased with his snack.

Stennes just couldn't get enough of this sweet little guy.

And neither can Josiah. Isn't it sweet when they love each other? Do they always? Well...

Branch was assigned an Australian sheep-shearing dance. He really enjoys playing his violin and goes to it with vigor.

ChubChub removed his shirt, backed up to Mean Ol' Mama and requested a
back scratch. Must be nice...

And look who came to visit Mean Ol' Mama's chair: a black widow spider. Poppins promptly sent her to the great web in the sky.

This is how we spent our rainy Saturday: playing games, reading cookbooks from the library, watching DVDs, and just being together.

Stennes fried up a few eggs in his little skillet.

And Poppins cooked up a big batch of French Toast. We went through 7 loaves of homemade bread in 2 days. Ufda!

The rain and wind blew in some beautiful birds. The boys were very excited to see some new faces out in the yard.

Ever wondered what rednecks do for fun? They wait for a heavy rain and then go tubing in the puddles. Pitiful, ain't it?